6 Superstitions We Wish Were True

True Crime Nightmares
6 min readJun 14, 2024

1. Find a Penny

Pennies, those pesky bits of currency that seem to multiply no matter how many we spend, figure prominently in the lives of the superstitious. To find one lying in a parking lot or on the street is said to guarantee good luck to someone, depending on which side of the coin is showing at the time.

To come upon a penny that is heads up denotes that the finder will be blessed for the next twenty-four hours. If the coin is showing tails, the person who stumbled across it must gift it to someone else; a charitable act that will bring good fortune to both parties for the remainder of the day.

If the finder of the penny opts to keep the tiny windfall for themselves, despite the fact that it is clearly displaying tails, the consequences will be swift and not at all pleasant. As a result of their blunder, a series of unfortunate events will befall them until midnight ushers in a new day; proving once again that it is always better to give than to receive.

2. Itchy Palms

If your palm begins to itch for no apparent reason, this is said to indicate that your fortunes are about to change. Whether this turns out to…



True Crime Nightmares

Writer, author, victim rights advocate, paranormal enthusiast. Check out my podcast, "True Scares & Real-Life Nightmares," on Spotify, Apple and Amazon Music.