Evil in Disguise: The Horrific Rape and Murder of Sasha Samsudean

True Crime Nightmares
13 min readJun 19, 2024
Sasha Samsudean

Deadly Homecoming

The evening of Friday, October 16, 2015, started out on a high note for twenty-seven-year-old Sasha Samsudean. A social butterfly who was out and about nearly every weekend, she had attended a soccer game with friends before moving on to one of her favorite clubs in Orlando, Florida to finish out the night. Unfortunately, things would spiral downward when circumstances placed her on the radar of a predator camouflaged in a badge and uniform.

On Sasha’s last night, she had said goodbye to her companions at around 12:30 after celebrating her favorite team’s victory with dinner, dancing and a bit more alcohol than she had intended. Even though she was tipsy, the social media manager for a prominent real estate agency, set out for home on foot, a journey that would have normally taken about ten minutes.

Along the way, two young girls walking down the same street noticed the attractive brunette stumbling in the darkness and feared that she might be in trouble. Good Samaritans that they were, they had asked her if she wanted to share an Uber. Fully aware that she was in no condition to go much further on her own, Sasha had gratefully accepted their kind gesture.

As they waited for their ride, the girls exchanged pleasantries with an inebriated…



True Crime Nightmares

Writer, author, victim rights advocate, paranormal enthusiast. Check out my podcast, "True Scares & Real-Life Nightmares," on Spotify, Apple and Amazon Music.