Member-only story
“Today is the Day”: The Abduction and Murder of Sian Kingi

On the afternoon of Friday, November 27, 1987, Sian Kingi met up with her mother Lynda after school to peruse the local shops in Noosa, Queensland. When they were finished, the twelve-year-old had set off for home on her bicycle, telling her mom that she would meet her there in a few minutes.

Since Sian usually made it home in a flash by taking a shortcut through Pinnaroo Park, Lynda had fully expected to find her waiting in the driveway when she pulled up. When she got to the house and found no signs of her daughter, she assumed that the popular tween had run into some friends along the way and would come rolling in by dinnertime.
As the hours ticked by with no word from Sian, Lynda started to worry. After phoning her friends and learning that none of them had seen her after school let out, she and her husband Barry went in search of their daughter.
While retracing Sian’s steps, her parents had made an alarming discovery. Lying discarded in the brush was her yellow 10-speed bike. Knowing that she would never have willingly abandoned her prized possession, they had gone straight to the police and reported her missing.